
The week's events

  • Family Lunch

    Category: Families Family Lunch

    September 12, 2021

    Our monthly potluck is a great time to catch up with each other.

  • Solemn Assembly: Observing Yom Kippur

    Category: Holy Day Solemn Assembly: Observing Yom Kippur

    September 15, 2021

    As we call our nation and our selves to repentance receiving the LORD's restoration, we gather to seek the Lord Jesus' face. Come for an inspiring time of singing, silence and corporate prayer.

    We will be following Pastor Mike's Book, The Call to Repentance and Restoration. If you have a copy, please bring it.

  • Women's Bible Study

    Category: Women\'s Women's Bible Study

    September 18, 2021

    An exciting inductive Bible Study through the Gospel of Luke has brought some profound insight and lively discussion. Join our ladies dive into the Word.