
The week's events

  • Awana Backwards Night

    Category: AWANA Awana Backwards Night

    March 25, 2019

    Wear your uniform backwards, and even a hat! We may even play some of the games backwards. Yikes!

  • Larry Ross Memorial Horseshoe Tournament

    Category: Families Larry Ross Memorial Horseshoe Tournament

    March 30, 2019

    Join us for our annual Horseshoe Tournament. The registration fee is $5. Drinks, hot dogs, chips and snacks will also be on sale for a donation. All proceeds go to our Benevolent Fund to help out our Widows and Orphans.

    Registration and warm ups start at 8:30. As soon as we get a "field of throwers" ready, we will start. Depending on how many sign up, the Tournament could go to 2:00 ish.