Date: 02-07-15
Text: — Nehemiah 3:1-2 — 1 Eliashib the high priest and his fellow priests went to work and rebuilt the Sheep Gate. They dedicated it and set its doors in place, building as far as the Tower of the Hundred, which they dedicated, and as far as the Tower of Hananel. 2 The men of Jericho built the adjoining section, and Zaccur son of Imri built next to them. [NIV84]
The Big Idea: When rebuilding the walls of broken relationship, we not only start with the obvious, but we also help out where our gifts sets can best be used, and if not, then pick up a broom and start sweeping or a shovel and start clearing debris.
For many of us we hesitate to read this section of Scripture (or any section of Scripture for that matter) when it has some rather difficult names for us to pronounce. And yet there is much to be harvested from this section of the Word. One truth from the above passage is that we are to help where we can. When rebuilding the walls of broken relationship, we not only start with the obvious, but we also help out where our gifts sets can best be used, and if not, then pick up a broom and start sweeping or a shovel and start clearing debris….
Lifestyle worshipers, maybe you have become discouraged or frustrated in your attempts to rebuild relationships that have been broken for some time. I truly empathize with this. Beyond continuing in prayer for the situation, perhaps starting with some small act of kindness? A text? An email? A letter? Or maybe cleaning their room or front yard? Our Lord can surely prompt you with some task that can encourage you and bless ‘them’. Why not ask Him today? Then go do it….
Yes, maybe it is time to help where you can? What do you think? Care to share your thoughts?
Scriptures to Renew Your Thoughts
— Colossians 4:5 (NIV84)
— Ecclesiastes 6:10a (NIV84)
— Galatians 6:9-10 (NIV84)
Lord Jesus Christ, be in me today what ________ needs. May I hear Your voice and obey Your promptings. Empower me by Your Holy Spirit to live a life that is pleasing to You. In Your Name, Amen.
Pastor Mike