Date: 10-03-14
Text: 1 John 2:15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. [NIV84]
The Big Idea: Have we minimized this word ‘love’ each time we read the above verse?
Have you ever said, “Boy, I’d give an arm and a leg for that!”? Or something very similar? What hardcore sacrifices are you willing to make to purchase something? Is this ‘agapé’ Love?
Lifestyle worshipers, in this morning’s Heartwork devotion focus verse (above), the word for Love is agapé. Have we minimized this each time we read it? I wonder if I have? I know that there are things I’d ‘love’ to have, but these feelings have diminished over the years. But are there things I’d love to not depart with? I’m sure I could list many—and the list may be uncomfortably long. How long would your list be?
Let’s take some time today—the rest of the week even—to not just ask ourselves what do we love to hold onto, but really ask ourselves what can we really do without? Again, this is why it is called ‘heartwork’.
Scriptures to Renew Your Thoughts
— 2 Corinthians 4:18 (NIV84)
— Luke 16:10-11 (NIV84)
— 1 Timothy 6:17-19 (NIV84)
Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me for holding on too tightly to the things of this world. May I see them as tools You’ve blessed me with to bless others and advance Your Kingdom. May Your will be done on earth and in me as it is done in heaven. In Your Name, Amen.
Pastor Mike