Is the Josiah Revival Upon Us?

s and congressmen to call the nation to repentance. Alas, no response. Then I gave up praying for a Jonah Revival. Roughly ten years ago at a National Day of Prayer Observance, I mentioned this to a pastor friend, and he said, “Why did you stop praying?” Normally I would have an immediate retort, but the Lord gave me pause. And I deeply reflected on this question, leaving it unanswered.

I went home and entered into fervent prayer. It was a bit, but the Lord finally opened my ears to hear Him speak of a Josiah Revival that is coming. And it will start with the youth.

Why do I mention all this? Because in the mid-1970’s I received a prophecy: “There will be one more period of prosperity, then the Revival, and then the End.” Mind you, the inflation rate roughly 25% then. When Reagan’s “Prosperity” came, I thought this was it, or perhaps we have been in a rather long prosperity run since? But what ever the case, the Josiah Revival seems to be upon us. Not just on universities and college campuses, but on High School campus, and as I substitute teach throughout our school district, even in elementary schools. These young, excited followers of Jesus are talking more about Jesus and less about “god” and “religion,” and this is even in the face of some apparent insurmountable challenges; the Lord is faithfully strengthening them to make the right decisions in spite of the peer (and teacher) pressure!

Now, about the timing….

As I have been faithfully working out at home this last year and a half, I have been using timers a lot. Intriguingly, I keep checking on how close to the “end” my timer is getting. Well, it has taken me almost all this time to realize the parable hidden in this small exercise.

The LORD has been prompting me to relax and just wait for the timer to go off; all this long “hinting” that I need to relax because no matter how closely I watch the “timer,” it is going to go off when it is at its end!

Yes, this has a lot to do with the Josiah Revival which as been sweeping this nation and even our city for a little over a year now. Josiah’s revival lasted roughly 13 years give or take a year or two. (He foolishly didn’t obey the LORD and died needlessly and prematurely, at least from a human perspective.) But, my query is this: Have we just entered the roughly 12 years of the Josiah Revival?!?

I obviously do not know, and the LORD is not telling me. But I do know this: If we relax and possess a “conquest” mentality after this election, we are in for some deep kimchi! If, however, we continue the repentance, tearing down the strongholds and following roughly Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Josiah Manifest, we may get those 12 years…..

But whatever is on the horizon, the Church must stay vigilant, continuing to repent and live a life pleasing to the LORD Jesus:

Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with His promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.  So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with Him

—2 Peter 3:11–14 (NIV84)