Date: 11-15-14
Text: — James 5:11 — 11 Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful. [ESV]
The Big Idea: St. Paul tells us that, “Love is Patient, Love is kind.”
Do you ever wonder why the Lord is slow? The Scripture is clear that He, Himself, is slow to anger. He appears to be slow in His return. And we have witnessed that He doesn’t always answers our prayers as quickly as we would like. So why is He “slow”?
Perhaps you can come up with a few more answers, lifestyle worshipers, but I have found a few reasons: (1) He is slow in order to teach us patience. His very nature is Patience, that is, if He is Love, and St. Paul tells us that, “Love is Patient, Love is kind…” (1 Cor. 13:4 NASB). The first characteristic is “patient”; (2) He is slow, but not as we count slowness on two levels: (a) The skill craftsman doesn’t always looked hurried, and to some he is down right slow, but in the end he will get the job done faster and more perfectly because he skillfully took his time. So, too, it is with our Lord; (b) He is slow because He desires to give as many as possible the chance to be in a saving relationship with Him, and many take a lot of time. I know I did….
This, Lifestyle worshipers, is what James is referring to in the above verse: Our Lord is ‘slow’ (aka patient) to demonstrate how compassionate and merciful He is in the core of His being for out of this patience comes the fulfillment of His compassion and mercy.
Do you see but a glimpse of why He desires us to be patient, too? Your thoughts?
Scriptures to Renew Your Thoughts
— Matthew 6:32-34 (NIV84)
—2 Peter 3:9 (ISV)
—Romans 11:25 (NIV84)
Heavenly Father, as I wait on You to fulfill Your good purposes in my Life, I freshly yield to the Lord Jesus Christ as my Slippers of Patience. May my walk with Him be charactered by the very essence of Your Love Nature, In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Pastor Mike