Date: 10-10-14
Text: — James 2:18 — 18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. [NIV84]
The Big Idea: A necessary element to ‘Shema,’ ‘to hear’ is to hear as to pay attention so to promptly and properly obey (or act on) what is heard.
First of all, the word, ‘Shema’ is Hebrew. Its primary meaning is to hear. It is not always translated so, however. This is because there is a necessary element to ‘Shema’: ‘to hear’ as to pay attention so to promptly and properly obey (or act on) what is heard….
Lifestyle worshipers, this morning’s Heartwork devotion reminds of us the healing grace found in our personal relationship with the Lord Jesus and our Heavenly Father, especially through adoption (read Eph.1:3-10 for a fuller view of this). How does a ‘Shema’ Faith interweave with such overwhelming grace? Does not the beggar who found a feast share it with his friends? Is this the fruit of a ‘Shema’ faith? Or does it mean something else? Your thoughts?
Scriptures to Renew Your Thoughts
Heavenly Father, as I seek Your face open my heart to what pleases You in heaven so I may do the same on earth. Forgive me for having dull ears and weak hands. In Your Grace and Mercy empower me by Your Spirit to walk in the power of a ‘Shema’ Faith,’ pleasing You in all I think and do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Pastor Mike